Tuesday at the rec center and physical therapy~

I find it's best to just get up and go and do it.
If I sit there and think about going to the gym, the mood leaves and
I end up sitting in the recliner and not riding the bike.
I do feel good after I ride the bike, I just need to continue doing it...a lot.

Yesterday I had my first physical therapy to help with my neck.
I pray daily that this will get better and I won't focus on it daily, but that's hard.
When you have pain and discomfort, it's easy to make that your
daily thought. 
I refuse to let it get me down or take me down.
I will try what I need to try to make it better.

I played outside with the kids last night.
It was a warm evening so we filled up the little pool.
Drew had some chicken and Kinsley wore her princess dress.
I had a heck of a time falling asleep.
Boy I get tired of being tired.
Today is a new day...I will make it a good one.



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