Sitting with Sunny and a doc appt.~

Thank goodness I have this sweet girl to sit with me.
I am so glad we got her.

No matter where I am or what I am doing, she is by my side or on my lap.

Sunday, I went to the rec center and walked 2 miles around the track.
I listen to my music and count the number of times I go around the track.
It is very soothing to me.

My legs are scary white and I need to start introducing them to the sun.

Sunny and I love to sit outside.  She sits on one chair and I sit on the other.

Something very peaceful about sitting under the apple tree and listening to the
music on my cell phone.

I had a very full night of anxiety Sunday going into Monday morning.
Up 2-3 times in the middle of the night and never did go back to sleep.
I find this happening more often and I think the death of my parents
is causing me grief, lots of grief.
I woke up and cried most of the morning. Big tears.
Kent was worried about me and called the doctor and I had a 4:00 appt.
with a new doc.
She listened to me and prescribed a med that will hopefully
help me sleep at night.
My tooth is still bothering me and I will call this morning to see what's going on.
My life is different right now.  This season that I am in is making me
rethink my future.  I need to get out of this funk I am in.
I need to cherish the moments I have right now and do 
the things that bring me joy.
I feel like I am just going through the motions of living without
really feeling the beauty of life.
God, give me strength.



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