A beautiful Memorial Day 2022~

Yesterday I got to watch Kinsley while her mommy went to the store and
ran some errands.  I fed her some lunch and laid her down for a nap.
She had blueberries and cheese.

I love when she had blueberry face.

She was very interested in watching her pop pop mow the lawn.
He is much more interesting than mammy.

After her nap we ventured out to the park.  It was windy so we didn't walk a lot, but she
got to play on the equipment. 

She went down the slide and crawled around on the wood chips.

I said lets stop for a picture and she wasn't having it.  

I love this little toot more than life itself.

Got back to our house and Brent and Noelle and Max were there.
The boys and Hannah went and played golf and Noelle and I 
stayed with Kinsley and played bubbles and toys.

It was a full evening.  Almost too full cause I didn't sleep well.
Today is another day filled with fun.
Dr. appt. for pre op stuff and I need to call and get my crown put on.



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