Healing emotionally~

Oh Sunny, I love you so.  You are the best therapy dog!

I realized after reading an article about emotional healing that this is something I need
to work on.  I have been holding on to emotional events from my childhood and
it is time to heal them and let them go.

Part of the reason for my headaches could be because I am kicking myself  for
not being more perfect and more everything.  I need to realize that my feelings towards
others and their flaws or just their personality is that...theirs.
I can't change the way they are, I can only change the way I react to the situation.
These are the things I need to work on. 
1.  I need to be myself.  Say what I want to say, eat what I want to eat, enjoy
what I love to do, and
be who I was meant to be.
2.  Invent myself.  Become aware of my strengths. 
3.  Get a grip on my mind.  Be careful of what thoughts come to mind.
4.  Flip the anxiety switch off.  Breathe, meditate, walk and talk.
5.  Journaling my thoughts and emotions and pictures.
6.  Mindfulness, be in the present moment.
7.  Turn my wounds into wisdom.  Understand why things happen. 
8.  Realize no pain is forever.   Take the time to be alone with yourself, to acknowledge, love and appreciate the parts of you that are beautiful, to love yourself and to know yourself. Be patient; take time to heal and to fully recover from all that you are feeling.
9.  Forgive, not necessarily forget, but forgive the people in your life that have 
done you wrong.  For without these situations, you wouldn't have grown.
Accept the hurts and move on.

The death of my parents has been hard for me.  I question the way we did things.
Moving them into assisted living, cleaning out their house, selling their house.
All these things weigh heavy on my mind, but I need to give myself grace.
There really weren't any other choices.  They needed help and 
we couldn't offer them help.
We did the best we could do.
I did the best I could do.
Moving forward is something I need to do right now.  I can't be stuck in the memories of
the past, I must learn from them and apply them to my life.
Thank you god for giving me the ability to figure this one out.
How I deal with this loss is mine to deal with.  I can take advice from others,
but ultimately, I need to pull myself up and move on.
My parents taught me well. 



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