Sunny, my ouchie, and missing mom and dad~

Yesterday, Kent headed to Missouri to fish with Erich.
Sunny and I sat outside for a little while and every
time she heard a horn honk, she would think it was Kent.
She has such a special bond with Kent.
They are like peas in a pod.

I remember when we first got her, she and I would sit in the backyard
and listen to the birds and watch the grass grow.
Everything is so green right now.  I love this time
of year before the heat comes in and makes everything brown again.
Our first day without Kent went well.

My ouchie under my nose is back.
Dry skin and a zit make for a big boo boo.
I think it might be stress.
It might be from blowing my nose 100 times a day.
It could be...ah, who knows.
Today, I get my permanent crown on my tooth.
I think my body knows how much I hate the dentist.

Missing this sweet couple today.
Wish I could call you and talk about my procedure.
Wish you were here to help.
Wish you could plant my tomatoes with me.
Just wish in general that you were around, physically.
I know I can talk to you, but darn, I miss you so much.

This is for you too dad, I miss you and your very kind personality.
Love you to the moon and back.



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