A root canal and Sunny the therapy dog~

Yesterday was a strange day.
A little bit of anxiety, a little sad and a lot of surprise.
Well, maybe not too much surprise.
You see, I went to get my crown on my tooth.
The tooth has been bothering me since they started the crown procedure.
I knew something wasn't quite right.  I was still having pain and
the tooth was very sensitive to cold and pressure.
Seems the tooth needed a root canal.  I wasn't really prepared for that
news and I wanted to cry.
I took my prescription over to the endodontist and made an appointment for 
that afternoon.
Came home and called Kristin and we talked for awhile.
I cried thinking of mom and dad, and the fact that we get to 
put them in with Jill and Taylor.  I am so happy they will be watching
over these babies.
I didn't get anything done I wanted to, but that's ok.  I got to sit quietly in the 
recliner with Sunny and that was the best medicine for me.

Kent has been in Missouri since Wednesday so Sunny and I have been with other
for the past few days.  I love that she loves to sit next to me and even
laid next to me in bed last night before I turned the lights out.
Today is Saturday and I hope to go to the thrift store, have Panda for lunch and 
get some things done around the house before Kent comes home tomorrow,
My crown seems to be a bit higher this time and I will need to let 
them know on Monday.  I will probably wait until Friday when my 
permanent one gets put on.
Teeth are so important.  We need to take care of the ones we have so 
we can grow old with our own.



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