The rec center with peanut and a beautiful sunrise~

Yesterday I had a hair appointment so little peanut came around 10:30.
She had already had her morning nap so we ventured out to the 
rec center and she played for an hour on the toys.
She watched the other little ones and observed everything they
were doing.
One little boy went down the slide head first so she decided to try it too.

She watched them on the climbing area.
Thought she was big enough to want to try it.

She got in and out of the car a million times.

Scaled the log.
Tried to balance herself so she wouldn't fall.

Got back from the rec center around 12:30 and she took a great nap.
Her mommy came around 3:00, it was a good day.

The sunrise this morning was super pretty.  All pink and orange and it changed
to yellow pretty fast.
I love when god shows us morning colors.

Here's to today...may it be full of fun and surprises.



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