Kinsley's stickers and the passing of John Hedges~

Kinsley and Walker got new Halloween baskets from the neighbor across the street
from us.  It was full of candy and stickers and  juice.
Kinsley loved the sticky stickers.

She had a ball putting them on and taking them off the window.

She sang Halloween songs and played for at least an hour.

Such joy watching her play.

Walker is quite a pro in his walker.
He now enjoys throwing things on the floor and seeing if he can get someone
pick them up.

Oh buddy, you have stollen mammy's heart!

Kent's old boss John Hedges passed away on Thursday night.
He had complications from pneumonia that caused his 
kidneys to stop working.
Here he is in the wonderful picture from Kent's retirement party.
Rest in peace John, Kent will miss you dearly.



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