Monday with Kinsley and Walker and bad dystonia problems~

Walker playing with his little house. 
He goes from sitting up to lying down, but is not quite crawling yet.

Tough day yesterday again with my dystonia.
Kent was kind enough to make some phone calls for me to some doctors
and the insurance company.  Making a little progress on the sleep apnea
stuff and breathing issues.  I have an appt. on December 3rd to get fitted 
for a sleep apnea machine.
Still trying to get into a pulmonologist.  
Made several emails to the neurologist for help with my neck.
Sounds like she is out of town this week so my messages will be 
sent to the on call doc.
I pray for help.

This little sunshine and her sister were jewels yesterday.
Kinsley and her pop pop went to the dollar store, the bank and the
grocery store.
She was so good for pop pop.
Walker stayed with me and played and slept and ate.
I love these kids with all my heart.  They are so precious to me.
I am so thankful for them.



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