Cardiologist PA~

I saw the cardiologist PA yesterday.
Very nice PA and she listened to my chief complaints.
The shortness of breath is very difficult to explain and difficult to understand.
She has ordered my an ultrasound of my veins to see if the
diagnosis of May-Thurner night be a reason for the difficulty in breathing.
I can't get in until the end of January so I will learn to live with this for another
month with no answers.

Kent and I both have colds that I am pretty sure we got from the grands.
I wore a mask yesterday as to not infect the whole staff.
She put me on a bata blocker to try to help my rapid heart rate and also
sent a referral to an ENT doc to see if I quality for the Inspire to help with my
sleep apnea.
January is in 2 weeks and we will see if insurance pays for the procedure.

I also told Drew that I will probably cancel my Disney part of the cruise.
Not breathing well and this cervical dystonia make it hard to
function like a normal person.  So sad and I cried a lot yesterday.



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