More snow~

We got snow yesterday afternoon and it will continue to snow this morning.
So far there is about 6 inches of snow on the ground.

Got the vacuum cleaner back on Wednesday.  It is parked in the hallway.
I think today will be cleaning day since there is lots of snow.

It was a good workout yesterday.  15 minutes on the hand bike.  35 minutes on the
elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill.
I also walked Sunny for about 25 minutes.  

I hope Kent can take me today.  Would love to walk again.

I had an awful night of sleep last night.  I thought about Lisa Fredricks all night.  I can't
imagine her gone and it breaks my heart that cancer took her so fast.
The grief I feel is in the pit of my stomach, it's so raw and so real.
Today, I will order her a rock to place in my garden to watch
over the dachshund rocks.  She took care of each and everyone of them.
Today is chili day and maybe homemade bread.



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