What a week~

It's been a week...
Dad passed out after dinner on Tuesday and was taken to the ER.
Seems he had a syncopal spell and is going to be just fine.
Here he is with a therapy dog named Sunshine.  How sweet is that!!!

I somehow hurt my back so I am just walking the track these days.
I walked waiting for the George Floyd verdict to be announced.
Thank God Derrick was found guilty. 
Such a sad case, but thankful thee was justice for George.

We got 2 rounds of snow this week.  I am pretty sure I am ready for spring.

Had a car lunch with Brent yesterday.  Always good to see this guy.

Sunny and our very wet snow in the backyard.

Just finished walking at the rec center and it is snowing pretty good.

Today, Kristin and I will head to FC to see mom and dad.
I would love to take a nice picture of them so that is the attempt today.
Happy Thursday!



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