Wednesday with Kinsley~

She loves to sleep on her gram and I love holding her.

My favorite place to be in the morning.

When I have to get up, this is where she belongs.  Tucked in 
safely in the corner of the couch.

We walked to day with Sunny.  Sunny lasted about 15 minutes so 
we dropped her off home and continued on.

Kisses from Sunny.

She slept through airplane sounds,
garbage trucks, 
kids playing and screaming,
dogs barking,
sidewalk cracks, bumps and giggles.
We had such a good walk.

Today, Sunny will go to Kristin's for a week while we are in Wisconsin.
I need to pack and get things ready to leave.
I have put off to the last minute all I need to get done.
It will get done...just not sure when.
We leave bright and early tomorrow morning.
Safe travels to our family.



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