A grand send off~

A military send off to science care.

Papa earned his wings at 11:20am on 9-17-2021.
He will be greeted in heaven by the most wonderful group of people and animals.

Somehow we think mom knew.  She moved her hand on dad's bed and kept it there
for a few minutes.

Lisa and Heather dressed dad in his favorite color.  Blue shirt and kaki pants.

While it is fresh in my mind I wanted to remember the timeline of the events.
Last Friday the 10th we were there for spa day.  We took a few pictures, laughed, hugged and
Kristin, Murray and I went out to lunch at Austins to recap the wonderful morning.
Saturday and Sunday, dad seemed fine.  There was a cold virus going around the 
memory care unit and we think dad contracted it over the weekend.
Monday he didn't feel well.  Chest congestion and a fever.  His hospice nurses were
called, he was put to bed and we were informed to call the family and come say our goodbyes.
The virus hit him hard, really hard.
Tuesday, I headed to Ft. Collins to join Kristin and Murray, and the grandkids slowly drifted in throughout the day.
By the afternoon, Brent, Brynn, Drew, Hannah, Mark and Kathryn joined us.
We told stories of the Papa we all loved and knew.  We laughed, cried, sang and prayed.
I drove up again on Wednesday and Kyle and Spencer arrived to sit with us.
It was Papa's birthday so we got balloons.  We sang happy birthday to him and
once again enjoyed telling stories and being in the moment.
Thursday, his breathing was changing and we were told maybe to expect another 
24 hours before his passing.
I went back up to Ft. Collins on Friday morning.  He was resting so peacefully.
Hospice came in and changed him and repositioned him while we stepped out of the room.
We started making plans for lunch, planning on going to Doug's Diner, we sat a time to meet.
Dad had other plans for us.  
At 11:20, he took his last breath and walked peacefully into heaven
with his beloved grand dogs and sweet grandchildren by his side.
I know now that Papa has great plans while up in heaven.  He will stay busy working
in the garden, taking care of friends and family, grilling for the group,
picking up small pieces of fuzz on heaven's floor, driving the mustang, 
dressing to the 9's, and watching over Gram.
We love you so much and are so glad you don't hurt anymore.



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