Dad's not doing well~

She has found her feet.  Look at the expression on her face.  Trying so hard to remove the socks.

I took her for a nice long walk.  She fell asleep so we just kept walking.  

The sky was blue and the clouds were wispy.  It was beautiful.

When pawpaw talks to her she just lights up.

Lab work, cancer check up.
Dr. S said see you in 9 months.

A very short visit on zoom and a very short visit with the doc.
Got a call yesterday from Murray that said the hospice nurse requested we come sit 
with dad because he has a fever and chest congestion and they think
it might be pneumonia and he might not pull through from this one.
Kristin, Kathryn, Kyle and Murray sat with him last night and
I will drive up this morning and sit with him.
Poor dad.
I pray for comfort and a pain free visit.
I love you so much dad.



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