A busy and fast week with little boo~

It's been a full week with little boo.
We have gone on walks, made cookies, played toys, gone to the thrift store and
played with Sunny.

It is the end of July and the sunflowers are in full bloom.
We pass a clump of them on our walks.  The bees are loving the flowers and so 
am I.

Since I forgot to take a picture on our walk, I took one in the garage.
Little boo is growing up so quickly.

Lunch on that day was cottage cheese, grapes, turkey.
Cottage cheese is her favorite.

She loves her papa.  Always going into the dining room to find him and give him a hug.

Our walks take us by a pear tree.  She loves when I pick one for her and she
can hold it on our walk home.

Most of the time I am fishing it out of her mouth.



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