The 4th of July, a walk on the treadmill, recovering Kent and a picnic~

Today if the 4th of July 2022.
A lot has happened in the past 3 years when we were able to 
join mom and dad for the day.
They will enjoy the 4th in heaven with their other family members.

Yesterday, I walked on the treadmill cause my favorite fanny pack
bit the dust.  I couldn't carry my phone, keys and pack around
the track so I walked 2 miles on the treadmill.
It was a nice change.
I clear my head when I walk.  I listen to music and zone out for 40 minutes.
It's a nice distraction.

Kent is on the mend but not quite out of the woods yet.  Maybe a couple
more days and he will be cough free.

Thinking back to a beautiful day on the beach with Spencer and Anthony.
It was a chilly morning that day, but the company was awesome.

I might get little boo today for a few hours.
The evening of the 4th will be spent at Drew's house.
What a beautiful day!!!



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