Dogs playing and a walk to the park~

The dogs love each other, they play all the time.

We went to the park after she woke from her nap.  She loves to get out of her stroller
and walk.  We are working on staying on the sidewalk and not venturing
out to the weeds and street.
When we got to the park, the little girls that she loves were
just getting ready to leave.
She got some gummies and we were on our way back home.
Pinecones are her favorite.  She loves to get a little bite
out of them.  Good thing I know when to fish it out.
Most of the trees are pretty bare, we did manage to find a little gold left.
Today we have gymnastics.  We will see how she does.  Starts at 10:30.  Might have
to wake her up to take her.



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