First snow and a trip to Target~

We had our first measurable snowfall on November 4th.
It was a pretty, little snow, but it still made people drive like
weenies.  100 car pileup on 6th ave.  The first snowfall brings out the 
(never slow down for the weather) people in full force.
I took Kinsley to Target in the afternoon and she was a jewel.
I just love that little girl!!!

Time to take down the Halloween decorations.  Probably time to put 
up the Christmas decor and start enjoying the season of lights.

Max was a silly dog yesterday.  Loves to play with the dachshunds right in the middle
of the kitchen floor.
I made a small turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce for 
dinner.  It was a big hit.

This year is coming to a close and I am not ready to say goodbye to 2022.
We lost mom this year and will bury her and dad in FC on
the 18th of November.  This ceremony will bring tears to my eyes.
I miss my parents so much and the traditions that they had for the holidays.
Could I have just 5 more minutes with them?  I wish.



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