Pre birthday snooze breakfast and a relaxing Sunday~

What a fun morning.  The kids took me to breakfast for my birthday, and it was 
so fun.  I have gotten to a point in my life where things are no longer needed, but
time spent with family is priceless.
So we were up early on a Sunday morning and to the breakfast place at
8:00am.  It was a great breakfast with wonderful food.

I love to have a selfie of my experiences so I remember most of what I 
do throughout my year.

It was a little chilly, but Brent and I took the dogs on a walk to the
ditch and back.  The dogs got to try out their winter jackets, and I think
they did well with them on.
Drew and Hannah and baby flew to NC to spend the holiday with
Spencer.  I started my scarf so I have something to work on 
in Estes Park and the kids made dinner.
It was a good Sunday.

Happy Monday!



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