Monday at mammies~

I had these precious little ones yesterday after a holiday weekend.
We kept things slow and easy for the day.

Both little ones took long naps.
Walker for 4 hours and Kinsley for 3 hours.
Sometimes when there schedule if full of fun and they don't really
get to take it easy, they crash at mammies house.

When they both woke up we had about an hour to play before
mommy and daddy came and picked them up.

Walker usually has the cutest expression on his face and I love taking pictures
of him.

Kent and Kinsley played with the dinosaurs and took their legs off 
and put them back on.

So cute watching these 2 play together.
I also love when Kinsley plays with Dolly.
She rolls here down the hallway and puts her to bed in the crib.

Oh Walker, you are growing up so nicely.

So curious about everything.

My sweet loves!!!



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