Vacation on Thursday~

This picture was taken years ago when Brent was probably in 5th or 6th grade and 
Drew was maybe in 9th grade.
It was taken at Jacoby's in Hazelhurst Wisconsin with Kent's family.
We used to make reservations for about 20 of us and it was so 
hard getting that many people together for dinner.
We leave on Thursday for another week of vacation in 
the Minocqua area.
We will miss not having Brent and Noelle with us.
Drew and Hannah have Kinsley and Walker and we will be staying
on the 2nd floor of the condo building, right above Erich and his family.
The dynamics of getting together as a group have changed through the years.
Most families stay together and stick with their own group.
We try to get together for a family dinner one or two times and make it
a pot luck.
Gone are the days when we try to get everyone to a restaurant...that's too hard.
We arrive in Minneapolis around noon and then head 4 hours north to Minocqua.
This year I will make it my vacation and not feel obligated to
plan things. 
Here's to 31 years of going to northern Wisconsin.



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