A day in Allenspark and sunny sunflowers~

Sunflowers in Kristin's front yard.

Yesterday, Kristin and I went to Allenspark to the Kelly House bizarre.  
We also got water at the spring and a cinnamon roll at Fawnbrook.
It was way too smoky to hike or walk.
The smoke in the state of Colorado was awful.  
You couldn't even see the mountains.
You couldn't see the beautiful landscape of mount Meeker.
We dropped off jars to the jelly cupboard and to the 
ladies inside.  It felt so good to donate these jars.
I got a couple of treasures, new white coffee pot and a strawberry creamer.
I also got 2 rolling pins to have around when Kinsley can play playdough.

We got back to Longmont around noon and got chinese for lunch.
We ordered our Alzheimer's shirts for the walk in October and we checked out
dad's new clothes.
Since I didn't take any pictures of the mountains, I took a couple of sunflower pics
in Kristin's yard.  Mom's favorite flower was the sunflower.  I can
see why...they are cheery.
The sky was white yesterday.  Not a bit of blue to be found.
It made for an interesting background for my pictures.
Watched a bit more of the olympics...they end today.
Bed was before 8:30.
It was a great day.



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