Stress stress and more stress~

I have headaches...tension headaches.  I have had them pretty much since August 2019.
I am getting acupuncture right now to help with them.
I am not sure what causes them.
Probably because the past few years have been hard to deal with.
Mom and dad are in memory care in Ft. Collins.  This has been very hard on me
even tho I really don't want to admit it.
The toll of watching them rot away in memory care has affected my health.
If it wasn't for Kinsley, my days are spent worrying about them.
How can a God that is so wonderful let this happen to wonderful people?
I look at my face and I realize that it has changed in the past few years.
The stress presents itself as eye strain and tension headaches.
I was working out at the rec center daily to help with the stress.
This produced a problem with my foot.
Planters  fasciitis.  
I am now on medication for both my eyes and my foot.
I need to let go and heal these problems.
Easier said than done.
I can't continue to suffer with these.
I need to change how I handle the problems.
Now...Brent is having car problems again and he is sad and he needs to get 
rid of the car.
I pray he doesn't have another breakdown.  
I pray to the God of the universe that he will help me find what I need to do to help him.  

She makes me happy.




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