A full week with little one~

Playing outside is the best!!!

My early mornings with Sunny.

Morning snuggles with pawpa.  She is the sweetest!

Reading the book under the playstation.

Face time with Kinsley.

Sunny oh Sunny, where are you?

Today, she took lots of naps.  I think she is growing, yes, she is growing.

The cutest little bumbo sitter.

It was beautiful out today so I opened the front door and she and Sunny sat
and watched for Drew.  
Hannah has been out of town so Drew has dropped her off early and picked
her up after 4:00.  Today is my day off so I will get some things
done before we head to the mountains next weekend.
I have been thinking a lot about my parents and myself.
It bothers me that I can't talk to my mom and ask her if I ever made her proud.
I think about all the things I did as a child and I wish I could take them 
back.  I never meant to hurt my parents.  I was never the golden child.  I just made
my way through the early years and the teenage years without a lot of guidance.
I am sorry mom and dad if I ever hurt you.  Please forgive me.



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