Day 1-2, travel day to Maine~

Flat Papa got to travel with us to Maine this year.  He was a really good 
traveler and enjoyed the plane ride to Boston.

Our first stop in Boston was the rental car counter.  Along with 100 other travelers,
Kent waited in line to get our car.  After 2 hours of getting our luggage and 
rental car, we headed to our first stop.  We took a wrong turn and 
headed into the tunnels around Boston.  Thank God for GPS...we made it
to New Hampshire.
The next morning we headed out and drove to Kennebunkport.
I love the churches in this area.  So much personality and charm.

First stop, Perkins Cove for a quick picture of Marginal Way.

Next stop, Kennebunkport to have a lobster roll.

The Portland Lighthouse is a must see.  It always takes my breath away.
Such beauty.

A quick stop at Moody's for a piece of pie.
On to Camden and the a stay at the Lords Captain Inn.

More sightseeing and another beautiful church.

Dinner at Cuzzy's.  It was a good day!!!



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