One month~

October 17th, one month from your passing.
The sky was crystal blue and the field was brown.  
There was a little snow on the peaks, but mostly shades of purple and blue.
I miss you dad.  I miss being able to see you and spend the morning with you.
I am thankful that you are in a better place.
I know how much you hated being at Morning Star.
You were there for mom, even tho she had no idea who you were.
You were such a good person.  Very kind and loving and caring.
You did things for others.
You cared deeply for the church and the town of Ft. Collins.
My thoughts will always be about growing up in FC.
Duke lane and Duke Square are my favorite memories.
I am so sorry you got dementia.  Such a sad disease.  It took away your
ability to talk and enjoy life.
My love for you will always be.
I miss you.

Thank you for the love you shared with our family.



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