Friday with Kinsley and Walker~

Friday was my first day with both little ones.
Drew brought the kids over around 7:30 and by 9:30 it was time to 
lay Walker down in our bedroom.
He went down right away and slept for about 45 minutes.
Augie and Sunny were both concerned about Walker being in the room.
I found Augie sitting outside the door any times.
The bond between these animals is amazing.

Here is Walker in his little bouncy seat, and boy does he like it.

We had a good day and he took 2 little naps for me.

I love when this little one smiles at me, it melts my heart.

This one on the other hand when you ask her to smile for the picture, this
is what you get...ha!

Hannah picked up the kids around 2:30 and they all returned after 4:00 for
Wings for dinner.
All in all, it was a good day.



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