I love and miss my parents~

Hello mom and dad~

It's healing quite nicely.
Yesterday I felt like I was coming down with a cold.
My head was full of snot and I had a hard time breathing.
I spent the whole day in the recliner except for the few minutes I went
to King Soopers to get a few things.
I don't like being stuffed up and I really don't like being sick.
My tattoo is healing nicely.  Some of the bruising is going away.

I have 2 doc appt. this morning.  One in Boulder with a neurologist and the
other one at St. Anthony's  north for my heart.
I am so sure both are going to be negative and I will be back to square one
with all my problems.
I pray to god for safe travels to Boulder and back to Westminster.
We are supposed to get a little snow today and I hope its not slick.

This will be a laid back weekend.  Hannah is busy with her dad and
Brent and Noelle are healing from their colds.
I hope to go to the thrift store and to ride the bike.

I love and miss my parents.  I thought they would live forever and they didn't.
Somehow I feel sad that they never got to meet Drew and Hannah's little
ones.  Kinsley and Walker are so sweet and I know my
dad would have loved playing with them.
My mom was great when I had my 2 boys.  Always available to lend a hand.
We are coming up on 2 years without mom and 2 1/2 without dad.
Such an awful disease to hit at such a fun time of their life.
I pray I am spared from this disease.  I do not want it at all!



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