Monday, a snowman nose and baby Walker~

Monday while Walker took a little snooze,  Kinsley and I played with play dough.
She wanted to be a snowman, so we made a carrot nose out of orange and
she stuck it too her face and tada, she was a snowman.

We elongated the orange dough to look more like a carrot and
she was so proud of the nose.

Her favorite snack at mammies house is pretzels, goldfish, raisins and cheese.
She loves to have a bite of papa's sandwich too.
Here she is loving her little brother.  I swear she is the sweetest thing
I have ever met.

Baby Walker and I had lots of together time while Kinsley napped.

He was very smiley and loved when I would sing to him.

This little peanut has stolen my heart.
I love my grands!!!



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