A very tough week~

It's been a tough week physically and mentally.
I had the botox injections on Tuesday and I am still waiting for them to take effect.
Monday was a tough day with Kent being home and not recognizing when 
I need help with the kids.  It's hard to always have to ask for help.
Tuesday was also physical therapy.
I do love the hands on work on my neck.
I pray this dystonia will lighten up on me, but somehow I don't think it will.
It will probably break me.
Thursday I could breathe.  It was wonderful to have a stressful free day
of breathing.
It was short lived because on Friday the neck discomfort and breathing 
difficulty came back and it was an awful day.

Kristin came for a visit and brought some Kinsley toys back and boy did that 
make Kent uncomfortable.
He went on and on about where to put everything.
It was driving me nuts and it continued all day long.

This little angel loved his new things to play with.
The kids joined us for dinner and it was wonderful.

Zoey loves to sprawl out on our floor.  I guess it must be cool.

Ellie loves to sit on the couch.  

Oh how I love these dogs.

Walker has the best smile and loves to sit and play with toys.

I pray today (Saturday) is a better day.
I woke up way too early and couldn't go back to sleep.
Got up at 3:30 with the dogs and enjoyed my coffee.
I will head to the thrift stores at 8:00 and stay out of the house for a while.
I need a break, I need a change, I need a different view.
Dear God, please help me today and always and be by my side during
difficult times.



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