Friday August 16th, Kinsley and Walker~

My days with the grands are some of my most favorite days in the world.
Having them on Monday and Friday is wonderful.
Yesterday I made Kinsley French toast and scrambled eggs. 
She ate every last bite of her breakfast.
She arrived in her pretty jammie dress and got syrup all
over it.
So it was a quick change into shorts and top for the rest of the day.
We did crafts and watched a movie and she played with her dolls.

Later she took a nap on papop cause she didn't want to take
a rest in her little bed.
She slept on the recliner for a couple of hours.

I decided to rest my eyes also with my favorite mask on.

With Sunny by my lap and Augie in his bed below, we had quiet time
from 12-2.  It was awesome.

She can sleep anywhere!!
Makes me laugh to think she can curl up in the chair for hours.

Walker loves to be on the floor playing with his toys.

The dogs love when he is down there also.
They kiss him all the time.
I do too for that matter.  He is so squishy and fun.

We had the kids over for Chinese food for dinner and then
Drew, Hannah, the kids and I went to Sierra to look around.
It was a nice Friday date night with the kids.
I am missing my class reunion due to some health issues.
I am so ready to feel better.



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