Saturday goofiness and Brent's new puppy~

Saturday I got up and did my usual...went to the thrift stores and
picked up a picture at Walmart.
Played with the kids in the garage for a little while before it got
too hot.
Brent and Noelle got a new puppy.  His name is Perch and he
is a golden.  Cute little puppy.
I watched the Scott Peterson documentary on Netflix and to this day
he still grosses me out.  What a creep!
Texted Hannah to see if she needed me to watch the kids while
she did some errands.
I got Kinsley and walker for a little over an hour.
Kinsley and I worked on her craft table.

Walker played in his play station and Kinsley stuck these things on her face.
Talked to my cousin on the phone last evening.  They are here
for a few days and will be going to Murray's house on Sunday for lunch.
I will be taking Kinsley to a birthday party at 2:00 and won't be able 
to make the lunch.
I have my doctor's appointment on Monday and Murray will be taking
me to it.  Hopefully we will find out what is making my
heart crazy and not being able to breathe.
Here is little Perch, who probably won't be little for too long.
Brent said Max really liked him and so did the other dogs.

I am so glad this wasn't a scam and they didn't lose money.
I guess Gina got his sister.



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