's time to move on~

I think it's time to get concealing.

Sometimes a memory shows up and it brings with it a whole bunch of feelings.
Let me just say, a cancer journey doesn't end when the chemo is done. It doesn't end when radiation is finished. It doesn't end when you are given the all clear. One can suffer many years with PTSD, side effects from chemo and radiation, anxiety and so on.
The fear of cancer coming back is common among cancer survivors and can sometimes be quite intense.
I have lost many friends and family to this awful disease. Makes me sad to go to the cancer center and see a full waiting room of patients, because it means cancer continues to affect everyone.
We are told to focus on the ways cancer has made us stronger, for me that is a hard one. Most days I don't feel stronger, I just seem to make it through the day.
This picture taken 10 years ago still brings back a flood of memories.

I will make a phone call today and set up an appointment. I can't do this any longer.


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