Gram and Papa~

Kristin and Paisey visited gram and papa on Monday morning.

Papa fell the night before so this was a check to see how he was doing.
He looks tired to me.

Continuing to give my foot a rest from walking.  I did elliptical and the bike.

I came home from the rec center yesterday and showered and took Sunny to 
Home Depot and got a few plants.
I potted my tomatoes and a few flowers and then later that
afternoon the heavens opened up and it rained and rained.
My pots are full of water and I pray the sun comes our
and dries things up.
I love a May full of sunny days, but right now we have had a lot
of overcast days.  I am ready for the sun.
The rain is so good for the fire danger, but things are really wet now, green, but wet.
Once again if feels good to not have to wear a mask at the rec center.
I love that we are getting back to some kind of normal.
I can honestly say I am ready for this Covid 19 to be over.



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