Max for the weekend~

My new glasses...lavender.  Love them!

Saturday morning workout.  I was the only one there.

Max stayed with us this weekend. Sunny was in heaven.

Watching the happenings in the street.

Noelle was having some chest pain this past week so Brent took her to the 
hospital Friday night.  We had the privilege of having Max stay with us.
He is a good dog and Sunny just loves him.
Noelle is going to be just fine.  They are not sure what caused the
chest pain, she was discharged on sunday.

I got the sweetest surprise in the mail on Saturday.  Rita (my friend from facebook)
sent me tea towels that her mom made.  Hummingbirds are my favorite.
Today we have new snow on the ground.  It should melt quickly since the temperature
outside is going to be in the 40's.
Happy Monday!




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