The eyeless mask poster~

The famous eyeless mask poster.  Why?

I am really enjoying my mornings at the rec center.  Most days I go before 8 am and work out for a little over an hour.  On Thursdays the senior walkers take to the track and walk and talk.
I see a few from a year ago.  They are probably as happy to be back as I am.
Today is March 5th already.  To me this year seems to be 
going quickly.  That's ok...maybe things will get back to semi-normal in a few months.
Today I will pick up Noelle and Kent will take her back to her apartment.
I pray for her healing and I pray for Max.  It's got to be hard for that dog to 
be in his kennel most days.
Last night we enjoyed Texas Road House.  I love their steak.
We got a little rain yesterday.  Any amount of moisture is good.  I don't want
fires again this year.
I have mailed my tea towels out and mailed one to Toni yesterday.
Always fun to share with friends.
Happy Friday~



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