Allergy Ellie and a visit with mom~

Drew caught an earlier flight out on Sunday to come and take
Ellie to the vet.  Seems she was highly allergic to something and that's
what was causing her ear pain and itching.  Poor baby.
Kent stayed up with her on Saturday night and got 
maybe 30 minutes of sleep.
Drew arrived just before  9:00am and was able to
get Ellie right in to the vet.
She is now on a steroid and ear drops.

I think she knew Drew was coming.  She laid by the front door mort of the morning.

Kristin and I went to see mom.  Kristin did her hair and we 
put a new top on her.  She talked to us when we got there and then
fell asleep when we fixed her up.

Always interesting when she sleeps through a photo session.
You ask her to smile and she does.

Love you mom.

I hung my new dachshund that Brent gave me for Christmas.
So cute!!!



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