Christmas Eve 2021~

Merry Christmas Eve...Ellie has been under the weather.  Shaking her head and itching
everywhere.  I think she might have an ear infection, but not sure.
Drew is on his way home to take her to the vet to see what's going on.

Sunny misses her play friend.  Max has gone home and Ellie is not well.

Max was so excited to be at our house for Christmas Eve.  Couldn't get
him to sit still for a picture.  

Our tree looked so pretty.

We played dominos and yatzee in the afternoon while the short ribs cooked away.

Brent asked Noelle to marry him.  It was so cure.  She said yes before he
even asked the question.

Pretty ring.

Merry Christmas to the newest couple in our family.

Christmas 2021 was so nice.



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