
I miss you dad.  I miss our chats and your postcards and your letters.
Most of all I just miss taking you to lunch or on a drive.
Your kindness touched the lives of a lot of people.
You were a really good dad and a great husband to mom.
She is still alive and living in memory care. 
Kristin and I check on her every week.
We miss taking funny pictures with you.
Always a fun moment when we could make you smile.
I am so sorry about the past 3 years.  You did not want to live that way.  You 
wanted to live our your years in your home.  We just didn't know how
bad things had gotten for both you and mom.  We tried to get you 
help with meals, but you wouldn't eat them 
and save them for a later day.
Daily chores became hard to complete.  You were taking care of mom and really,
we needed to be taking care of you too.
Dad, I know you are with me every day and you are taking great care
of the dogs and babies up in heaven, but I just miss you so much.
I love you to the moon and back.



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