Sunset full of fire~

Last night after while I was working on my christmas letter, I looked out 
the window and saw the most beautiful sunset.  I knew I needed
to take a picture of it.  Just after I snapped a couple of pictures,
a flock of geese flew over me.  The evening sky was full of
noise and color.  It was perfect.

It was the most vivid color of orange. 

Kinsley fell asleep on our walk yesterday.  She is such an angel and I
love her so much.

I didn't sleep very well last night.  I woke up at 1:00 and had a hard time
going back to sleep so I got up at 3:00am and came out
and watched a movie.  My mind was racing and I couldn't turn 
it off.
There are a few things in my life that need changing.  I am just 
now sure how to go about it.
I ask for help and guidance from God.  I pray for direction.
I miss my parents.  I think I would want to talk to them about my marriage.
It has been unseasonably warm here and I don't like it.
I want a holiday season that is cold and snowy.  
There are too many bad things happening in the world right now.
What is wrong with people.
Sometimes I just want to go to the mountains and live in a cabin
by myself, with my dog and get away from the bad
25 days until Christmas. 
Where did this year go.



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