Goals for 2022~

Awe...by the glow of the tv fireplace, I sit and compose my thoughts for the new year.
When I look back at my history on facebook, seems I am always composing
thought and goals for the new year.  That's a good thing, but I can't remember if 
any of those goals made it to the end of the year...ha.
So as I type some goals for 2022, I will be reminded that to achieve these
goals, I must first put me feet in motion to achieve these.
1.  clean out the basement of clutter.  Make room for new memories.
2.  start walking again.
3.  eat better to ward off Alzheimer's.
4.  find more joy in the small stuff and take more pictures of that joy.
5.  travel more to places I haven't been.
6.  teach Kinsley lots of things.  Read daily to her and play a lot.
7.  grow things, flowers, veggies, trees and so on.
8.  continue to visit with mom until it's time for her to go be with dad.
9.  don't take things so seriously.
10.  continue to watch funny shows and laugh.
Simple and achievable goals.  Bottom line...it's my life and I need to enjoy it more.



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