Beautiful snow on January 6~

Early morning hours at our house look more like day time with my camera.
We got another 3-4 inches of beautiful, white snow last night.
The sky was white and made sleeping hard.  The room seemed well lit by the
snowfall sky.

One lonely man shoveling his sidewalk.  I will go out later when the
sun comes up and do ours.  I always enjoy the snow, and shoveling makes me
feel connected with the eatch. 

Kent got his new truck yesterday so now we have twin trucks in 
front of the house until he gives the other one back to his work.

The little dachshunds and snowman have just a dusting of snow on them.
I am so get my hair trimmed today at 10 and then watch little Kinsley after that.
Tomorrow I will head up to FC to see mom and wish her a happy birthday.
She is plugging along and really about the same.



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