New Year's Day~2022

Our neighborhood owl was back this morning.  I was out shoveling and heard
the blue jays squawking.  Looked up and saw the most beautiful 
owl sitting in the tree.  Grabbed my camera and started snapping away.
Haven't heard her hoot, but maybe that's a good thing.

Ventured out for a little round the block walk and boy was it cold.
Walked to the ditch and snapped a couple of pictures.
My goal for the new year is to get back into walking.
Oh how I miss it.

I took Christmas down today.  Packed up the ornaments, tree, stockings and
a few nick/knacks.  The garland will stay up for awhile longer.
I always look forward to the long winter days...they lead to spring, and I love spring.
Makes me want to start some flowers inside so they are ready for
spring planting.

Here is my colorful, winter, New Year's day selfie.
Tomorrow is a new day.  Ham and beans for the crock pot and day 2
of walking outside.



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