Happy pre-birthday mom~

Yesterday, after a night of no sleep due to a power outage, I ventured up to FC
with Kristin and Murray to wish mom a happy birthday.  She will be 89 on the 13th,
never thought she would last this long without dad.
We sat in her room and just talked.  Every once and awhile she would
look at us with a funny look, almost like she knew what
we were talking about.
We sat for our picture and we were able to get her to smile.

Her poor hands.  I tried to get them open when I put her new shirt
on her, but no luck.

Here we are again, a new year and a new Anduss party of 4 picture.
I don't know what this year will bring, but as long as she is 
still alive, I will venture up to see her.
Sleep or no sleep, I will continue to make the effort.



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