Sunday's with mom~

Our visits with mom usually become a grooming session, however, today 
was just nail trim day and a nice visit.  I did not do her hair today
because she was sleepy and warm in her chair.

She got flowers from her friends Sue and Jack.
Sunflowers are her favorite and the bouquet was beautiful.

We washed your hands for a really long time to get the dead skin out.
Your hands always stay closed.

Kristin shaved off your whiskers. 

I gave you water and cookies.  Always a hit with you.
Peppernuts, your favorite.

We sang happy birthday and you tried to eat your flowers.

In the end we did you a smile from you.

This is our Duke Square house.  I think it looks really nice.
They have taken many trees out and painted the brick.
I have lots of great memories in this house.
A car picnic at Spring Creek park and a drive down memory lane
completed out visit to FC.



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