A visit with mom and a walk with the sibs~

Got the call from Murray at noon that mom wasn't doing well and I better head
up to FC...so I did.  Kent sat with Kinsley until Hannah came to pick her up.
Got up to FC around 1:00 and mom was sleeping.
Her color was off and we thought for sure
she was headed to the angels.
However...she woke up and had some water and her eyes stayed open for a little over
an hour.  She will pick the time to depart this world and yesterday 
wasn't the time.
So...we got outside and took a little walk.  About 2 miles around the 
neighborhoods around Morning Star.
It felt so good to be outside.  I only wish we could have taken mom
out in the sunshine.

Here are a couple pictures to date/time stamp our day.
I have to say, this waiting game is difficult on everyone.  I can only imagine how
mom's little body is trying to shut down one system at a time.  That's got
to be hard.
Brent and Noelle will travel up today to say their goodbyes.  I will head up
around 7:00am to sit with mom.
Spencer flew in to be with his family and he and Kyle have enjoyed
some much needed cousin time.
Mom...feel free to fly with the eagles, Kristin saw one yesterday and she
said it was dad wanting to take you with him.
Let go gently and open your arms to your family in heaven.  They are waiting
for you.
I love you mom and I want you to be whole again.  Enough of this disease. 



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