Fridays visit with mom~

Went up to FC again on Friday.  Mom actually said a word!  I asked if she
wanted something to drink and she said "water".  
She also has a strawberry Ensure.  She is a hungry girl.
Paisley read to her some affirmations.  
I feel the end is near, but not too near.

Kristin, Murray, Brynn and Paisley all visited mom.
Brent and Noelle came later.
We went to Jason's deli for lunch and Spencer met us there.
Got a coconut cookie after lunch, it was awesome.

We have decided to go ahead and travel to NC.
Mom will be in good hands with hospice and Morning Star.
If she should pass, they all know what to do.

Once again we have all told mom she can go be with papa.
Her family is waiting in heaven for her arrival.
Mom's body is slowly shutting down and it takes time for
things to stop working.
Fly with the eagles have a party waiting for you in heaven.
I love you mom...



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