Sunday mom and a fall from bed~

According to the hospice nurse, mom fell out of bed yesterday.
She gets agitated and moves and I guess she moved so 
much she fell.
He checked her over and she was fine.  I often wonder if she hits her
head when she falls.  That has to hurt.
She is still with us.  She is still having sponge water.
Murray checked on her after work yesterday.
Today, I have Kinsley and I am hoping we can walk to the park.
I am doing a load of laundry right now and hope to start packing
tonight for my trip to NC to see Spencer.
I am excited to go.  So much so as I had a hard time going to sleep last
night and staying asleep.  Bad dreams and lots of anxiety.
The time leading up to a trip always gives me anxiety.
I need to stay calm and not worry.
Everything will be alright.
God is in control.
Love you mom, if you need to go before we get back from NC, 
you go.
Papa needs you up in heaven. 



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