First few days at Wilmington NC~

Ahhhh, finally our trip to Wilmington NC.  First hitch Denver to Dallas.
Flight left at 6:00am so it was a short night.

Second hitch...Dallas to Wilmington.  We had an uneventful day.
No delays, no problems and a smooth flight.

Spencer picked us up from the airport and we settled in nicely
to our rooms at the Anduss/Dominick B and B.
We ate dinner in Wrightsville at a sea food restaurant.  

Day 2 it was a nice walk around the Wrightsville park area and lunch again
at a sea food place.

Kristin had a fancy drink.

That evening we were to have pupu platter at a new place and it was a flop.
The health inspector came at the same time we arrived and almost 2 hours
later we left and ate at another place.

Jasper was a wonderful lap cat.
Kristin said I looked tired and I was. 

Next morning we all had breakfast and got ready for another 
walk.  This time it was at a Carolina State Beach Park.



We wore our purple walk to end alz shirts and walked in honor of
gram and papa.

Beautiful trails.

Beautiful beach.

Lunch at the Copper Penny and a walk on the boardwalk in Wilmington.

Dinner was at the Tidewater oyster Bar.  

Good Morning Jasper.  

Wrightsville Beach walk.

Almost lost my hat in the ocean.  Retrieved my hat but got my shoes
all wet.  No big deal...the sun dried them out at the house.



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